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Security Licensing Training
Introduction to the Security Training
Welcome (1:34)
Eligibility (0:27)
Numbers Don't Lie (0:55)
Intro to PSISA (3:13)
Security Guard and Loss Prevention (3:13)
Day 1 Overview (0:34)
Phonetic Alphabet
MSDS Example
Day 1: Lesson ONE
What are the roles of a Security Guard? (25 min exercise) (0:24)
Roles of a Security Guard Part 1 (1:28)
Roles of a Security Guard Part 2 (2:08)
Roles of a Security Guard Part 3 (1:03)
Roles of a Security Guard Part 4 (1:53)
Observe and Report (2:33)
Deter and Detect (1:16)
Good Public Relation & Professionalism Part 1 (1:40)
Good Public Relation & Professionalism Part 2 (0:35)
Responding to Emergencies (1:04)
Confidentiality (1:20)
Access Control Part 1 (1:36)
Access Control Part 2 (1:51)
Patrol Services (0:38)
Interacting with the Public (2:52)
Demands and Risks of Security Part 1 (2:25)
Demands and Risks of Security Part 2 (1:10)
VIDEO: 2017 Super Bowl (4:14)
Quiz (0:20)
Day 1: Lesson TWO
Overview (0:27)
Modern definition (1:24)
DIfferent types of licenses (1:02)
Eligibility in detail (1:43)
Licensing Process (3:09)
Business License (0:24)
Identifying yourself as a Security Guard (1:26)
Security Guard Uniforms (1:14)
Returning the License (0:36)
The difference: Security Guard vs. Peace Officers (2:57)
VIDEO: Police Impersonator (Part 1) (6:32)
VIDEO: Police Impersonator Gets Arrested (Part 2) (10:48)
Uniform Regulation (1:31)
Vehicle Regulation (1:12)
Code of Conduct (2:43)
Prohibitions of License (1:10)
Penalties of violating the PSISA (1:21)
Public Complaints (2:34)
Penalties under PSISA (0:34)
Ticket Fines under PSISA (1:50)
Proffesionalism (1:41)
Appearance: Uniform (0:47)
Two Scenarios (1:42)
Hygiene (0:49)
VIDEO: Personal Hygiene (5:08)
Posture (0:50)
Attitude and Conduct (1:11)
Integrity (8:13)
Security Bus incident (1:35)
Quiz (0:24)
Day 1: Lesson THREE
Overview (0:26)
Surveillance (1:08)
Scenario (20 Min exercise) (0:26)
Scenario Review (1:20)
Covert and Overt Security Guards (2:37)
Situational Awareness Part 1 (1:42)
Situational Awareness Part 2 (0:58)
Observe and Document in detail (1:50)
Typical vs. Anomalies (1:23)
Improvised Response (1:35)
Interpreting and Adapting to Crisis (1:30)
Prioritizing Actions (1:01)
Access Control (2:01)
Access Control & Bouncers (1:50)
Access Control & Concierge (0:55)
Security Guard Presence (0:24)
Egress & Ingress (1:07)
SOP (0:21)
Clickers (0:35)
Access Control: Minimum, Medium, Maximum (2:14)
Access Control: Personal Recognition, ID systems, Keys & Cards (2:15)
Screening: Magnetometer (1:40)
Steps of Screening Process: Bag Search (1:58)
Personal Search: Theory (1:21)
Forbidden Items and what to do (0:56)
Personal Search: Demonstration (1:53)
Wand Search: Demonstration (1:54)
Access Control: Bag Search (2:01)
Access Control: Vehicle Search (1:16)
Post Orders Part 1 (1:32)
Post Orders Part 2 (1:50)
Scenario (10 Min Exercise) (0:26)
Scenario Review (1:38)
Security Breach (0:47)
Scenario (20 Min Exercise) (0:40)
Scenario Review (1:28)
Trespass to Property Act Part 1 (1:32)
Trespass to Property Act Part 2 (0:59)
Guilty of Trespassing (1:16)
Power to Arrest (0:38)
Citizen's Arrest (1:21)
Crowd Control (1:55)
Lockdown Facility (0:19)
Lockdown Procedures (1:50)
Supervised Evacuations (0:27)
Vehicle/Traffic Control (1:43)
Vehicle/Traffic Control Equipment (1:15)
Vehicle Traffic Responsibilities (1:01)
Traffic Hand Signals: Stopping & Starting Traffic (2:55)
Traffic Hand Signals: Left & Right Turns (1:45)
Controlling Traffic: Emergency Vehicles (0:56)
Traffic Control: Car Accidents (1:38)
Patrolling (1:58)
Foot Patrol (1:27)
Vehicle/Mobile Patrol (2:10)
Drugs and Alcohol (0:53)
Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) (2:32)
Smart Serve and SOP (0:54)
Drugs and Categories (1:03)
UTC Drugs and OTC Drugs (0:48)
Drug Withdrawal (0:38)
Marijuana, Cocaine & Crack (1:21)
Heroine, Ecstasy & Meth (1:55)
Drugs and Paraphernalia Part 1 (1:52)
Drugs and Paraphernalia Part 2 (2:15)
Withdrawal: Alcohol, Opioid, Cannabis & Cocaine (3:09)
Drugs: How to help (0:57)
Shift Handover Procedures (2:08)
Start and End Shift Procedures (1:37)
Quiz (0:27)
Day 2: Lesson One
Day 2 Overview (0:21)
Overview (0:28)
Report Writing: Security Notebook (1:54)
Writing in General (1:50)
Notebook Format (0:37)
Notebook Rules (1:14)
Incident Reports (1:04)
Report Writing Rules (2:07)
VIDEO: Report Writing (4:38)
The Objective Perspective (5:06)
Report As Evidence (0:39)
Exercise #1 (0:24)
Exercise #2 (0:22)
Exercise #3 (6:29)
Statements (1:14)
Statement Edits (0:52)
Quiz (0:21)
Day 2: Lesson TWO
Overview (0:20)
OHSA Part 1 (1:36)
OHSA Part 2 (0:43)
WHMIS Part 1 (1:10)
WHMIS Part 2 (1:26)
Hazardous Material Symbols Part 1 (1:34)
Hazardous Material Symbols Part 2 (1:56)
Hazardous Material Symbols Part 3 (2:09)
Right to Know: Label (1:43)
MSDS (1:02)
VIDEO: MSDS (2:36)
Right To Participate (1:03)
Right To Refuse (0:43)
VIDEO: Right to Refuse (2:51)
WHMIS Revisited (4:39)
Quiz (0:18)
Day 2: Lesson THREE
Overview (0:28)
Emergency Response Plans: Risk Factors (1:12)
Emergency Response Plan: Part 1 (1:13)
Emergency Response Plan: Part 2 (1:19)
Emergency: Role of a Security Guard (1:17)
Fire Emergency: Part 1 (2:32)
Fire Emergency: Part 2 (1:31)
How Do Fires Start? (0:57)
The Fire Triangle (1:14)
What to do in Fire Emergencies (2:21)
Putting Out Fires / PASS (2:15)
Types of Fires & Fire Extinguishers (2:45)
Other Fire Suppressors (1:29)
Video: Fire Spreading (4:00)
BOMB Emergencies Part 1 (1:20)
BOMB Emergencies Part 2 (1:08)
Case 1: Verbal BOMB Threat (In person) (1:19)
Case 2: BOMB Threat over the phone (1:56)
Case 3: Suspicious Packages (1:20)
What is a Suspicious Package? (1:57)
Active Threat: Shooter (1:56)
Medical Emergencies (2:27)
Extreme Weather (1:08)
Lost Children (1:26)
Alarm Systems (General) (1:25)
Types of Alarm Systems (1:31)
Responding to Alarm Systems (1:21)
Duty of Care (1:27)
Securing a Crime Scene (4:02)
Quiz (0:27)
Day 3: Lesson ONE
Day 3: Overview (0:13)
Overview (0:29)
What is the Law? (1:38)
Security Guards and the Law (0:48)
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1:13)
Canadian Court Systems Part 1 (4:14)
Canadian Court Systems Part 2 (2:01)
Subpoena (0:26)
Canadian Legal System (2:15)
Municipal By-Laws (Toronto) (0:49)
Noise By-Law (1:33)
Occupancy Load By-Law (1:34)
Alcohol By-Law (1:35)
Smoking By-Laws (Recent History) (2:30)
Smoking By-Laws (Today) (1:44)
By-Law Exercise (1 hour) (0:58)
Evidence Handing Techniques Part 1 (1:33)
Evidence Handling Techniques Part 2 (2:16)
Evidence Handling Techniques Part 3 (1:11)
Statements as Evidence (1:35)
Canada Evidence Act (2:34)
Ontario Evidence Act (1:46)
Court Template (1:13)
Court Procedures: Rules on How To Behave (1:40)
Court Procedures: General Testimonies (0:36)
Witnesses (1:28)
Quiz (0:18)
Day 3: Lesson TWO
Overview (0:40)
Requirement as a Security Guard (0:58)
Protecting Your Information (2:29)
VIDEO: Scammers (23:44)
Protect Yourself from Spam (1:01)
PIPEDA (3:48)
Personal Unauthorized Access (2:03)
Protect Yourself from Spam (1:41)
Video on Scam (Jim Browning) (16:07)
Employment Standards Act (Part 1) (2:45)
Employment Standards Act (Part 2) (1:55)
Rights as an Employee (3:27)
Labour Relations Act (1:02)
Liquor License Act (Part 1) (2:24)
Liquor License Act (Part 2) (2:36)
Provincial Offences Act (3:11)
The Residential Tenancies Act (Part 1) (3:21)
The Residential Tenancies Act (Part 2) (2:41)
The Trespass to Property Act (1:26)
Power of Arrest (1:36)
The 3 Types of Offences (2:07)
Defense of a Person (1:23)
Defense of a Property (1:17)
Offences: Criminal Harassment and Mischief (2:31)
Offences: Assault and Theft (2:09)
Offences: Causing a Disturbance and Break & Entry (2:01)
Offences: Possession of Property (0:32)
Tort Law (1:20)
International Tort Law (1:33)
Tort Law: Defamation (0:34)
Quiz (0:26)
Day 4: Lesson ONE
Overview (0:47)
De-escalation Techniques (1:12)
Effective Communication Foundations (0:20)
Active Listeninig (0:59)
Way of Speaking (1:04)
Body Language (non-verbal) (1:45)
Writing Legibly and Clearly (1:28)
Avoiding Personal Bias and Opinion (3:10)
Obtaining Information (1:24)
Adjusting Behaviour (Angry People) (1:28)
VIDEO: Angry People (1:18)
VIDEO: Tips on Angry Customers (8:25)
Adjusting Behaviour (upset or anxious people) (1:10)
Adjusting Behaviour (defensive people) (1:16)
Adjusting Behaviour (Irate People) (1:34)
Interacting With Others (Do's and Dont's) (2:41)
Radio Communication (2:44)
Day 4: Lesson TWO
Overview (0:25)
Human Rights Code (0:54)
Prejudice versus Racism (0:52)
VIDEO: Race (5:10)
Bias (0:30)
VIDEO: Conscious and Unconscious Bias (4:49)
Conscious and Unconscious Bias (0:59)
Security Guard and Bias (1:12)
VIDEO: Cultural Misunderstanding (4:00)
Dealing with People with Special Needs (1:04)
VIDEO: Special Needs (3:44)
VIDEO: Bias (8:19)
VIDEO: Sensitivity Training (Comical) (4:38)
Quiz (0:23)
Day 4: Lesson THREE
Overview (1:08)
Use of Force Theory (0:43)
Use of Force: Two Soft Approaches (1:18)
Use of Force: Criminal Code (0:44)
National Use of Force Model (Part 1) (2:39)
National Use of Force Model (Part 2) (2:08)
Passively Resistant (0:42)
Actively Resistant (0:53)
Assaultive (0:45)
Likely to Inflict Body Harm or Death (0:55)
Things to Consider (1:09)
Use of Force Criminal Code Revisited (0:53)
VIDEO: Use of Force (Part 1) (3:05)
VIDEO: Use of Force (Part 2) (8:58)
VIDEO: Use of Force (Part 3) (1:19)
Asphyxia (0:55)
VIDEO: George Floyd (Positional Asphyxia) (8:20)
Excited Delirium (Part 1) (2:13)
VIDEO: Excited Delirium (5:15)
Excited Delirium (Part 2) (2:04)
Quiz (0:21)
Practise Tests
Test 1 (with answers) (0:13)
Test 2 (with answers)
End of Security Training
Last Video (0:58)
Conscious and Unconscious Bias
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